
Examples Of Mistakes In American History

Good Essays

Nobody is perfect, so everyone all makes mistakes. Human created history and even historical failures. Some people believe that we usually repeat what we did wrongly before. It sounds similar to the British author George Bernard Shaw’s idea: “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” However, in my opinion, that idea is completely not correct, because we must learn something from the mistakes we made in the past, so that we would not do them one more time at the present or in the future.
In my essay, I will use three examples from American history (from 1877 to the present) to disprove George Bernard Shaw’s statement. They are all the mistakes which the American made in the past have not appeared until today.
Firstly, “Vietnam …show more content…

Bush used to say a sentence which was very famous and seemed as his promise. That was “Read my lips: No new taxes”. However, in June 1990 Bush abandoned his “Read my lips. No new taxes” campaign pledge and acknowledged that new or increased taxes were necessary. Many Republican conservatives were critical of this shift, and his popularity ratings fell immediately. (8) On March 4, 1992, he said: “I thought this one compromise, and it was a compromise, would result in no more tax increases. I thought it would result in total control of domestic discretionary spending. And now we see Congress talking about raising taxes again. And some in Congress are talking about trying to break down the spending caps. And so I'm disappointed and given all of that, yes, a mistake.” (9)

Let’s talk about an example of kept promises. Barak Obama promised to Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes and he kept his word. He extended the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250000 (couples) or $200000(single). (10) He promised to Create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes, and once again he kept his word.
As a president, it would be terrible if that president broke his promise to the public. Once he says something, he had better follow and do exactly the same as what he said. If not, his words will become unreliable. Barak Obama was the 44th president of the United States, and it seemed that he learned a mistake from the 41st president or we can say, from the

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