
Examples Of Logical Fallacies

Decent Essays

The project was to learn the logical fallacies and create a political ad using them. We started out using a storyboard to get our scenes in order. This was so we would plan out are ad and not just rush into it head strong. For each scene we had three boxes the first one was what your viewer would see like what you were wearing, background, and camera angle. The second box was what they would hear like music or what you would be saying. The third would be what logical fallacy was shown in that scene. All of this was to help our scenes work with the topic, scene, and logical fallacies we wanted to show. Then once we had all our scenes together we started filming we did most of ours outside but we even did some with the green screen (it was actually a blue wall). After filming was done we started editing, I was out for most of this so I am not sure what was done, but this is where you add green …show more content…

so instead of having a week or so me and my partner only had around four or five days for filming. Then he had to the editing by himself in three days because I was at game of logging. Also when editing we could not do music and my voice in the same scene because for the most part I was standing farther from the camera so my voice was not very loud. This made us have to change our plans because on one of the scenes I was talking we wanted to have music but we had to Change it because with the music we could not hear my voice. Another part that was hard for me was hearing my own voice in the video it annoyed the heck out of me. I JUST CAN’T LISTEN TO MY VOICE!!! One of the hardest things to do though was to put each logical fallacy in order so they would make sense with what I wanted to say for each of them. This was a problem because I did not want to have my ad sound like I was just shooting out a bunch of

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