
Examples Of Individualism In Huckleberry Finn

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What is individualism exactly? We described as not being controlled or being our own persona. What about the people in the 1800s, how did they describe this? We the people, of the 21st century, often describe it in comments that are sincere without discrimination towards it; we are made the same, we breathe the same air, we walk the earth's special ground, and we are born with the same kind of anatomy. These are all important to know, how right they are, but what ideas did the 19th century think about all humans, being the same? In this satirical novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), it took place in Antebellum south and Mississippi river, Mark Twain claims that a 14 year old boy exposes the immorality of white society. He uses huck's perspective by experiencing a teenage boy that is still developing and exploring new things. The author purpose is to condone the racism and the hypocrisy that existed in the “civilized” society and in order to enact social change. The author writes in a humorous and ironic tone; the slaves and white christians both were hypocrites. …show more content…

Whitman uses examples of equality, in Song of myself, in order to prove how everything and everyone is relevant to the world. His purpose is to display nature belongs to everyone in equal shares. This poetic author writes in an encouraging and gloomy tone for his audience; the young people of the generation for that they are the ones that can promote the changes that can be

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