
Examples Of Curley In Of Mice And Men

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In the novel, Of mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Curley is a rude, quick-tempered, and self-centered man which shows how he is disliked by the people on the ranch. Curley is a rude person which Steinbeck uses to show how Curley is disliked. For example, when George and lennie just got hired, Curley almost immediately starts to be rude to them. "' By Christ, he's gotta talk when he's spoke to. well what the hell you gettin into it for.'(Steinbeck 25). Because of Curley yelling at George and Lennie without letting them speak shows that curley is a rude person. The fact that curley had also just met them and didn't let them respond after taking to them shows a sign of rudeness. Another example is when curley came into the bunkhouse around suppertime and interrupts George's conversation."'You seen a girl around here?' he demanded angrily. 'Well what the hell was she doin?"'(Steinbeck 37). this shows how curley doesn't care what others are doing and will rudely interrupt them for small reasons. Because Curley will interrupt people and act like he owns the place proves that Curley is rude. This proves how Curley is …show more content…

For instance, curley is about to quickly pick a fight against Lennie for laughing. "Come on, ya big bastard. get up on your feet. no son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me. I'll show ya who's yella"'.(Steinbeck 62).This shows that Curley didn't ask why Lennie was laughing and became quick tempered. this shows how curley is quick-tempered. Another example is when curley found his wife dead and wants to kill Lennie."'I'm gonna shoot the guts out of that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand. I'm gonna get him."' (Steinbeck 98). This shows how Curley is quick tempered enough to try and kill Lennie because his wife is dead. this shows how Curley wanted to blame someone for his wife's death. Because of this Curley can be considered a quick-tempered

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