
Examples Of Compassion In The Book Thief

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Compassion is sympathetic pity; a concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. The way hitler brainwashed the Germans and compelled the German citizens to turn against the Jews; Liesel was someone who understood the power of words and was capable of defying the Fuhrer through words of compassion and love. Her compassion and love can be shown in many different ways toward Hans, Max and Rudy. Hans first shows love and compassion towards Liesel, when she had first came to 33 Himmel street. It was Hans who sat with her every night because he understood that she was having nightmares and she had just lost her brother and would no longer see her family.. It took Liesel some time to finally open up and start showing love and compassion to Hans who she called “Papa”. Hans and Liesel’s relationship wasn’t like anyone else’s. Papa had introduced so many things to Liesel, Hans was Liesel’s first friend. Hans asked Liesel to keep a secret and it was about Max living inside of their home, but not only he was a Jew. …show more content…

You could clearly tell that Liesel and Rudy’s relationship consisted of soccer, arguing and stealing, but mainly stealing. Soon after they stole food Liesel started stealing books and Rudy noticed and gave her the name book thief. When Liesel mentions Rudy to Max, and Rudy finds out about it changes everything in their relationship. You could finally see that Liesel did care about Rudy. At the very end of the story when the closet people toliesel had passed away she finally kissed Rudy, that made such a significant change in the story because, not only did liesel care about rudy but she loved

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