
Example Of Mania In Hamlet

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In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, a common theme of mania is spread throughout the play, and is most apparent in the main character, Hamlet. Shakespeare depicts both the emotions and feelings of the characters, allowing the audiance analyze their emotional state. It becomes obvious that Hamlet is struggling with both emotional stress and a mental illness, melancholic depression. In some parts of Hamlet, his emotions and melancholy seem to grade into each other primarily when contemplating his fathers death, whereas other moments the two remain distinctly different. At times, it may be hard to decipher whether Hamlet’s actions are due to grief or depression, while other times the two play into each other. With grief, one may have intense episodes of sadness, moments of anger, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, feelings of loneliness or have thoughts of suicide (Schimelpfening). With melancholic depression, the subject experiences extreme sadness, loss of interest in activities, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, …show more content…

For example, in Hamlet’s and Polonius’ conversation about the actors, Polonius states “My lord, I will use them according to their desert” (Hamlet, 8), meaning he will give them all they deserve. Hamlet gets easily angered by this and responds “God’s bodykinds, man, much better. Use every man after his desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?” (Hamlet, 48). An unexpected burst of anger in Hamlet breaks out telling Polonius that giving them what they deserve isn’t enough. Another instance of mood swings occur during Ophelia’s funeral. Hamlet claims that Laertes was being showy with his sorrow for Ophelia, angering Hamlet. As a result, fight between the two broke out. As time passed, Hamlet confesses to Horatio that he felt bad for the instance and said “But I am very sorry, good Horatio, / That to Laertes I forgot myself” (Hamlet,

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