
Evolution And Evolution Of Evolution

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What is evolution? How did life even come about? People really ask this questions not knowing how this thing called life came about. With this being said this is where we come back to the question of what is evolution. Evolution the process in which life undergo changes over time. Also where organisms are transformed or adjust into something different in order to cope with different surrounding changes. Just like anything else there is more to evolution than just a change over time there is always something else more to it. Evolution shows how everything on earth shares a common ancestor. If Darwin and Lamarck came up with this whole evolution theory, one had to be more accurate if they both had sort of the same theories of what was happening. There have been many theories of evolution and how it is brought about and what it is exactly. Charles Darwin a scientist who came up with his theory of evolution and how it works. Darwin felt as though evolution to him was that it occurred through natural selection. Natural selection is the process of only traits that will survive are passed to the next generation. Species selection operates on variation provided by the largely random process of speciation and favors species that speciate at high rates or survive for long periods and therefore tend to leave many daughter species (Stanley, 1975 ). So Darwin believed that the next generations of animals or different species were created by taking only the traits of species

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