
Evil : Evil And Evil

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It is with no surprise that evil is lurking all around us. We live in a world that is unpredictable and dangerous. There are two categories of evil. The first is natural evil, which focuses on nature. The second is moral evil, which focuses on harm among others. The problem of evil is known to object the existence of God. Many atheists will say that if God is so good, then why do bad things happen to good people? Not to mention why did God create a bad world? We are often left speechless by the acts done onto others, whether it’s through natural evil or moral evil. The question is why does evil exist and why does God allow evil to exist? The problem of evil challenges our beliefs and makes us think twice about humanity and God. I intend to evaluate the problem of evil through the following theories, The Free Will Argument, Evil as a Privation of Good and Evil as Therapy.

Let’s take a look at the Free Will Defense in relation to evil. God created us with the intention to be able to discover and know Him. His aim was to develop a bond of love in faith and obedience to Him. In order to accomplish this, we must be genuinely free to choose how we want to bond with God. The downfall of this free will is it allows the presence of good and evil to intermingle. God cannot place limitations or intervene on our free will, as it then would limit our freedom. Richard Swinburne was in favor of the Free Will Defense. Swinburne (2009) stated that, “A person who had perfect

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