
Ethics And Intellectual Property Of Intellectual Properties

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Ethics and Intellectual Property When discussing a creation or idea, the creator of such concept must be rewarded. This must be the case for any situation. For most cases this is true, but because the ownership of such properties bring financial benefits, and or settlements, regulations will continue to challenge what is right or wrong when dealing with intellectual property. This is accurate for many industries, field, and markets. The owner ship of intellectual properties can take a creation or idea worldwide, the profits from such invention can be endless. This concept is what will push a persons or organizational ethical principles to its limits. With that in mind, such characters will do whatever it takes to gain rights to intellectual property. Another very important opinion for this subject is how long must the duration of intellectual properties last? The longer the patentee holds on to the idea, the more they will benefit. This is where such believes creates issues for its particular market. Many individuals and organizations find that such believes are unethical. Many believe that creations or inventions must be shared with everyone. Such groups want ideas and creation to be enjoyed by everyone, a public domain (Lau & Johnson, 2014). There are many parties that stand firm behind this idea, especially when dealing with items or inventions that can benefit or help the people. An example of such inventions or ideas are the creations of new medicines or medications.

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