
Essay On The Great Terror

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History textbooks emphasize certain facts about the Soviet Union, some good, and some bad. Textbooks talk about the Soviet’s advances in Science, their seriousness regarding sports, and their expression of power. But what facts should textbooks really talk about when referring to the USSR? The Soviet Union should be known for what it is, a terror. It’s political history, geographical size and even The Great Terror all relate to the fact that the civilians of the USSR were not free. Textbooks need to show every factor that took part in the fear the people of the USSR felt; The geographical size is one of the most important factors of this. It show’s the power the USSR had, and their size. Soldiers of the Red Army were never allowed …show more content…

The Great Terror was a terrible event caused by the USSR that took the lives of many innocent civilians. “The Great Terror was a matter of the most cruel tortures, interrogations, and the fearful abuse of human dignity…” (Medvedev, Moscow News). The Great Terror was exactly that, the Great Terror. Textbooks need to talk about the hundreds of thousands of lives that were lost during this terrible event, that could’ve been avoided. Stalin killed and tortured anyone who opposed him, and sent fear into the minds and hearts of his people. “According to the declassified Soviet archives, during 1937 and 1938, the NKVD detained 1,548,366 victims, of whom 681,692 were shot- an average of 1,000 executions a day…” (Pipes, Communism: A History). The Great Terror shackled the civilians with chains of fear, and caused them to follow obediently behind the sociopathic Stalin. If Textbooks did not talk about how terrible this was, it would be like hiding an offence from the people who have the right to know. People’s lives were taken because of the power hungry Stalin and everyone needs to know that behind the facade of sports and science, the Soviet Union was evil to it’s

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