
Essay On Psychodynamic Perspective

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Meredith had lost her other half, her soul mate, her husband, Derek Shepard. She now found herself lost and remembering back to her life as a child being paired with a repetition of the quote “The carousel never stops turning,” once spoken by her mother. Now left with 2 children, along with one on the way, Meredith disappears from Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. Recalling her past love with Derek, Meredith is unsure of how to move on, yet has a horrifying past of events quite similar to this to help her find her way. Following in her mother's footsteps, Meredith leaves when there seems to be nothing left of her.
The act of decision making due to prior experiences fits under the psychodynamic perspective. As a child, Meredith experienced much more than a typical child should endure. As her dad walked out on her and her mother, her mother had a secret love with her boss, and watched while her mother attempted suicide in their kitchen. She has learned to deal with tragedy in a way that will reflect …show more content…

Her subconscious mind is revolving off of how she was raised and brought up. Opposed to being unfamiliar to experiences that she goes through as an adult. She knows how to handle the situations now. Without her childhood memories she would have to find new ways to cope with these life changing altercations.
The hospital is a home to all of the characters on the show. Over the years they develop into a true family. This environment provided Meredith with a forever home, with or without Derek. Having this home sense to come back to, seemed to be another factor of how life seemed to continue on when Meredith returned home. They allowed her to be a normal person, and did not focus too much on what they had lost but knowing that life had to continue on, seemingly thinking in the mind of Meredith. A major key to how Meredith responded to the accident was that she was a

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