
Essay On Observation To A Classroom Observation

Decent Essays

On Tuesday September 28th, 2017 I observed Mrs. Rosser’s first grade classroom. Her classroom is located within Donahue Academy which is located in Ave Maria, Florida. The classroom had a total of 14 students. The children cover every basic subject everyday such as science, math, writing, reading, and they also practice their handwriting. Since this is a Catholic school the children also have daily mass along with daily religion studies. When I first walked into the classroom the children were hard at work. They were all spread throughout the classroom sitting on various rugs throughout the classroom working on their writing. The students in the class had the opportunity to work alone or with partners. Mrs. Rosser was fully engaged with the students when I walked into the classroom. She was chatting with the students about their stories and helping them brainstorm in order to extend their stories. Mrs. Rosser promptly greeted me and told me to make myself comfortable. She then quickly got back to helping the students with their stories. I felt that Mrs. Rosser’s classroom was set up efficiently. Her desk is set up where she has a clear view of all of her students. Although when I was in her classroom for my observation she was never at her desk. She was up and moving around the classroom during my entire observation period. The student’s desks were all set up in the center of the classroom in clusters. The only problem with some of the children’s desks were that they don’t face the front white board so they would need to turn completely around in their chairs to see. Although it seemed that Mrs. Rosser typically had the students come to the front rug in front of the white board while she taught. That way the children didn’t have any issues with having to turn around in their chairs. I felt that Mrs. Rosser’s educational philosophy was that she wanted to create a really amazing classroom community. I loved how she referred to all of her students as friends. An example to her calling all of her students friends, she would say, “Gather around friends!” Mrs. Rosser is one of the most positive teachers I have ever experienced. I honestly wish I would have had a teacher as positive as her when I was that age.

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