
Essay On Health Disparities

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What does the term health disparities mean?

Health Disparities mean the challenges someone faces when trying to gain access to healthcare due to racial or socioeconomics issues. "Health disparities focused on documenting differences in the prevalence and incidence of disease and solutions focused on addressing health behaviors and access to health care" (Kotch, p. 244, 2013). There are many issues associated with trying to gain access to healthcare, which are improving daily.

Which racial/ethnic groups are more likely to be affected by health disparities?

The Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning group are more likely affected by health disparities because they are more diverse group. LGBTQ community "has many racial/ethnic and socioeconomic background which are referred to as a sexual and gender …show more content…

I believe the main cause for health disparities is the number of people affected by a disease during a given period. The "difference in prevalence and incidence rate of a disease have focused on the behaviors and access to healthcare" (Kotch, p.244, 2013). These risk behaviors and sexual preference have made groundbreaking contributors o health disparities. However, there are many causes of health disparities, but the main thing affecting people from healthcare access is their socioeconomic factors.

What are reasons for disparities in access to health care?

There are many reasons for disparities in the access health care. However, the government are focusing of different groups at a time to better improve access to health care. For instance, they have implemented different programs to improve the health of infants and mother's. Another group that are receiving great benefits is the African American population. "African American women and infants are more likely to be poor, and therefore a higher proportion of this group are eligible for Medicaid (Kotch, p. 245, 2013).

How can health disparities be

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