
Essay On Cops

Decent Essays

1. What is the predominant race of the suspects? The police officers?
In both episodes of the television show “Cops”, the predominant race of the police officers was Caucasian. The primary officers for all service calls featured on the program were Caucasian. Of the two episodes observed, only one officer was African American. The suspects in both episodes were predominantly African American or Hispanic. Of the 6 scenarios featured throughout both episodes, two suspects were Caucasian. 2. Describe the differences in the behaviors of the suspects and police officers when they are both of the same race. Then, of different races. Then, of different genders.
The conduct of the officers featured in the television show was similar regardless of race. The television show “Cops” features criminal justice professionals conducting the day-to-day work in the criminal justice system (Schmalleger, 2014, p. 6). In situations where the suspects acted combatively, the officers used force to apprehend the suspects. A Caucasian Officer used force to apprehend an African American suspect that attempted to flee. The officer threatened to Taser the suspect, but was able to apprehend the suspect by tackling him to the ground. Following this interaction, the suspect frequently cursed at the officer. A female officer was called for …show more content…

What types of crimes are featured? Does one type of crime predominate? Both of the episodes observed featured predominately drug charges or domestic disturbance calls. Many of the drug related arrests began by the suspect being pulled over for erratic driving. In one scenario, a suspect was driving on the wrong side of the street; another was weaving into other lanes. The domestic disturbance calls either began by the victim calling 911, or by a neighbor calling 911.
4. Look carefully at the commercials that appear during your programs. Toward what specific subgroup of the population are the products advertised? Are they age-based or

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