
Epistemological Concerns In Ethnographic Research

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The key finding of this review suggest that quality end of life is multifaceted. Dying well is associated with ensuring that the autonomy of the patient is respected, that the healthcare team has clear and concise communication to avoid miscommunications and along with flexibility of care. With regards to this topic, the epistemological concerns are one of true relevance. Epistemology is defined as “justification of knowledge” (Carter & Little, 2007, p. 1317). Since epistemology inquires where the foundations that knowledge comes from as well as the assumptions that knowledge is built upon. Furthermore, it is important to understand where the researcher’s knowledge comes from. Epistemological concerns are important to the key findings of this review since it is to give a perspective on what gives us knowledge. Within the results that were synthesized it is important to understand that basis of knowledge resulted from witnessing death creates a difficult topic to research and gain further understanding about (Carter & Little, 2007). All three articles used a grounded theory to approach for the chosen phenomena. When considering epistemology of these findings I believe it would have been compelling to use an ethnographic study to create a more extensive understanding of this phenomena. An ethnographic methodology would be valuable aspect for the topic since it gives more dynamic, …show more content…

This type of issue has a great deal of sensitivity and The implications for future practice is a significant consideration. Creating quality end of life for patients is a concept that has deemed merit. This can be completed through the implementation of educational and enhanced palliative programs. Training programs on improving communication in relation to palliation and dying would allow for better outcomes. This would better communication and comprehension of the

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