
Compare And Contrast The Four Contemporary Management Approaches

Decent Essays

There are four known contemporary management approaches that include: sociotechnical theory, organizational behavior, quantitative management and systems theory. These management approaches are essential in analyzing the different organizational environments, including internal, macro and competitive environments. This paper will look at the different contemporary management approaches, define open systems and describe the internal, macro and competitive organizational environments. It will also indicate whether or not the four contemporary approaches to management are relevant in the above stated environments.
Sociotechnical is the first contemporary management approach. It is thought that success in each and every organization comes when …show more content…

In this approach, how the manager treats employees signifies the expected behavior of the employees. Hence, if he sees them as ineffective, then they will be ineffective (Gupta, 2009).
There is also the systems theory approach to contemporary management. This approach focuses on the relationship that exists between the organization and the general public. It defines an organization as a system that is either closed or open, but in most cases open. In that regard, an open system is defined as an organizational interaction with its own environment by way of inputs and its outputs. Therefore, it can be said that the environment impacts on the organization while the organization also has an impact on the environment.
There are three environments that are essential to the organization and they are: the internal, macro and the competitive environments. These environments together with the open systems are vital parts of an organization that should be considered in the determining the approach to adopt (Wetherly& Otter, 2014). The internal environment can be described as all the forces that are within the organization that impacts on the organization. The internal environment incorporates all the managers, workers and the resources that the organization has to assist in the daily operations. The competitive

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