
Enhance Children 's Nutrition And Activities Campaign Proposal

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Enhance Children’s Nutrition and Activities
Tammie Fuller
ECE205: Introduction to Child Development
Instructor: Crystal Mealor
April 18, 2016 Enhance Children’s Nutrition and Activities Campaign Proposal
Summary. This campaign is to highlight the importance of a national movement designed to give parents, caregivers, and entire communities a way to help children stay at a healthy weight. The We Can! National education program offers parents and caregivers with implements, fun activities, and more to help them encourage healthy eating, enlarge physical activity, and decreased time sitting in front of the screen in their family. This campaign is aimed to bring awareness to families to the benefits of helping young children become healthier.
Relevance. The importance of this campaign is to promote awareness of activities and nutritious material for students to become healthier. As an educator, The We Can Program will help my job by ensuring that students eat the proper food and participate in engaging exercise activities. An absence of proper nutrition can depart a child feeling more than appetite pains; it can leave them feeling weary and apathetic, drowsy and listless. As an educator, I can help educate parents and young students on ways to improve nutrition, increase physical activity, and limit screen time.
Theoretical lens. We Can! Also offers administrations, public groups, and health professionals a central resource to endorse a healthy weight in childhood through

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