
English 111 Research Paper

Decent Essays

English 111
Upon entering English 111 on-line class, I had not taken an English class on-line before. In the past I have taken several other basic classes. English has always been a struggle for me, mainly writing and grammar. Neither, writing or grammar has come natural to me. The biggest challenge for me is putting my thoughts into words.
Currently I am employed full time, and also hold a part time position along with being a wife, and mother of two children. By furthering my education, I can improve our future. Some days I just can't find the time I need to get what I need completed. Coming back to school after almost a decade has not been an easy task for me. However, I know once I get done, it will be completely worth it.
One assignment that I feel as though I put my all into would be the Definition essay, in my opinion is my best. I took my time and tried to focus on what the instructor was …show more content…

I also now know that I need additional time to devote to this class. Where in other classes, I do not seem to struggle on assignments and clarification. I am a hands-on learner, so with on-line courses it is sometimes difficult to understand what is expected of the assignment, having the rubric helps though.
Pushing ahead, I hope that I can achieve my goals to become a nurse. I know that there will be more English classes in my future. I think I will choose to take them in a classroom setting. I also will try to be more diligent in getting my assignments completed correctly the first time and on time. This class has encouraged me to be more proficient at the Blackboard and logging in to read my updates more regularly. I hope that my next English class doesn’t rely on essays so much, just because it is not one of my strengths. English 111 was defiantly a learning experience for

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