
Emotional Abuse : Cause And Effects

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Emotional Abuse: Cause and Effects Abuse comes in many forms such as physical, sexual, verbal, or even emotional; feelings or emotions have the ability to cut as deep as any weapon; causing long term damage in the lives of children. Larry James was once quoted in saying: “Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. The only difference between the two is with physical abuse you are wearing it on the outside for the world to see and the other is felt deep inside. Others cannot see the bruises on your heart” (Search Quotes, n.d. Retrieved March 7, 2016). It is not hard to imagine the pain or hurtful emotions the person who wrote this quote could have possibly endured or felt. This paper explores the definition of emotional abuse, how it impacts development of empathy, causes and long term impacts, types of prevention and the need to develop trauma informed care. Emotional Abuse (EA) can happen to anyone at any time in their lives. Children, teens and adults all experience EA and it can have devastating consequences as a child (Sorsoli, 2004). Just because there is no physical mark doesn 't mean the abuse isn 't real and isn 't a problem or even a crime in some countries. The current definition of emotional abuse can be understood as “"any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth." (Sorsoli, 2004). To better understand

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