
E-HRM Initiatives: A Case Study

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1. INTRODUCTION Globalisation, as an integrated and independent world economy, has contributed to the rapid expansion of international trade and world’s economic growth (Paik & Vance, 2006; Mutsuddi, 2012). The increase presence of global firms is shifting domestic HR towards global HR in addition to carry out a wider span of HR responsibilities (Losey, Meisinger & Ulrich, 2005; Rao, 2010; Jie, 2011; Mutsuddi, 2012). The generation of cross-border labour market also had brought human resource management into an international context (Mutsuddi, 2012).
Although international trade increase the demand for labour, however, labour in developed countries loss manufacturing jobs because firms are relocates their production to gain …show more content…

To avoid e-HRM failures, HR leaders should concern on the compatibility of e-HRM applications with the national cultures, organisation’s strategies, managerial activities, availability of resources, and the employee’s experience level over computer software during the planning stages. Furthermore, HR leaders should also responsible for the e-HRM training program in terms of technical aspects and awareness on the importance of e-HRM applications to make sure e-HRM successful implementation (Bondarouk, 2011).

3. IHRM PRACTICES ON THE ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES Religious influences on the IHRM practices are important, yet the association between religious beliefs and IHRM is still been ignore until current although there are some research point out its strong relationship with the employee’s workplace behaviours, job satisfaction and effectiveness. Most countries are incorporated the influence of religious beliefs on HR practices into formal legislation procedure, some more it is also been subsumed as part of national culture due to worldwide religious diversity (Budhwar & Mellahi, 2010; Hashim, 2010). Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with a large population of 1.5 billion people. However, the influences of Islamic approach into IHRM practices

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