
Electrical Charge : Static Electricity

Decent Essays

Electricity: Static Electricity • Static electricity : Static electricity is an unbalanced electric charge • This occurs when there is unbalanced number of neutrons and protons, unlike current electricity that occurs when there are conductors involved • The cause of static electricity is when there is an unbalanced molecular construction or non conductive insulators such as plastic, glass, ceramics, and other non conductive materials • All physical objects are made up of atoms -Charges: • One of these properties is called an electrical charge. Protons have a "positive" (+) charge, electrons have a "negative" (-) charge, and neutrons have no charge, they are neutral. • The rubbing of some certain materials against one another can …show more content…

- Removing Static Charge: • Removing a static charge by providing a path to the ground: Grounding -Electrons move from negatively charged objects to ground until object is neutral - Electrons move from ground to neutralize positively charged objects Information from: - Conductors and Insulators: • Conductor – conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of electrical current in one or more directions. The electrons move easily to the other side, away from the object • Insulator – Do not allow electric charges to pass through them. Electrons in the atoms and molecules move very slightly to one side of the object but are not released. • In static electricity the charges do not flow continually, because some of the charges of an object are being stripped from the other. This makes Static electricity mainly based on insulators because the charges are not released, but stay in one spot. • • Discharge of static electricity can cause hazards in situations with flammable substances where a small electrical spark might ignite explosive mixtures. • Protons, neutrons and electrons are different from one another; they have their properties and/or characteristics. • All mater have

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