
Effects Of Global Warming On The Environment And The Population

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The impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global temperature of the Earth has risen 0.87 degrees Celsius from 1880 to 2016, the highest temperature rise recorded to date, as a result of heightened greenhouse gas admissions. It is essential to identify the causes of anthropogenic climate change and recognize the significant negative impact it is having on the global environment and the population.

The increased release of carbon dioxide (CO2) through human activity is a major contributing factor to global warming. The human race contributes to the issue of climate change through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, which have caused the earth’s temperature to rise (Society, 2016). This process is known as the ‘Greenhouse gas effect’, in which heat from the earth is trapped in the atmosphere by gases, such as CO2, causing the surface of the earth to warm. (, 2016). One of the main ways humans emit fossil fuels into the atmosphere is through industrial operations.

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