
Eating Disorder: Body Image

Decent Essays

Even though eating disorders often affect people of all ages as well as backgrounds, the mean age of the onset of the eating disorders like Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, as well as disordered eating, occurs at adolescence. Even though eating disorders result from numerous personal, psychological, biological, social as well as environmental factors, it appears that the adolescents are the ones at the highest risk of developing any kind of eating disorder.
Eating Disorder: Body Image
The adolescent period is often a period where the person experiences intense change that may otherwise result in extensive as well as intense stress, anxiety, and confusion. The physical transformation that occurs is enormous and in intertwined with low self-esteem, high self-consciousness as well as excessive comparison with peers. Moreover, there are numerous hormonal changes in the brain that also correlate to the environmental changes. it is at that period that one would probably change schools, friends, and also develop some interest in people of the opposite sex. As such, in the midst of all the confusion and anxiety, eating disorders are more or less in most cases a coping mechanism for them to try and control their situations. The issue of body image …show more content…

Most of the research studies that are related to body image seem to focus primarily on the negative elements of the construct. Such would include body dissatisfaction as well as weight concern among others. As such, when such constructs, are evaluated, with the view of them as poor body image, then you realize they result in some really negative outcomes like symptoms of eating disorders, threshold eating disorders among others. However, there are also some positive elements related to body image. Such include the body esteem as well as an appreciation of one’s

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