
Dyslexia In The Movie Steven Spielberg

Decent Essays

Film director Steven Spielberg wasn’t diagnosed with dyslexia until he was in his 60s. School administrators thought he was lazy, was bullied by classmates, and his troubles in school played a part in his career. Not only did making movies give him a place to channel his energies, but feeling like an outsider helped him cowrite The Goonies, a hit movie about a quirky group of friends who didn’t quite fit in at school. He said finding out as an adult that he has dyslexia was like “the last puzzle piece to a great mystery that I’ve kept to myself.”

B. Intellectual Development Disorder- a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by deficits in general intellectual functioning such as reasoning, planning, and judgment. Children with intellectual …show more content…

Signs/ Symptoms : Children with intellectual development disorder learn more slowly than typically developing children. These learning deficits apply to many kinds of learning and across different developmental stages. Young children with the disorder may learn to sit up, crawl, walk or talk later than other children. Most have difficulties developing communication skills as well as trouble interpreting and applying new information and demonstrate deficits in memory, social, and problem-solving skills. These children often have trouble keeping up in school. A lack of social inhibitions may also be a sign that a child has IDD. Not because the child is “acting out” or “rebelling,” but because he has difficulties interpreting signs of appropriate behavior in certain …show more content…

One resource of help is the Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) program. Is is a community-based residential service option provided in homes with six or fewer individuals. This ICF/IID program provides similar services provided in an HCS residential home. The services include staff available to assist individuals with identified needs, access to medical care, the opportunity to attend Day Habilitation or similar programs, and participation in community activities.

Special Ed. programs at school is also a method of treatment. Only in public schools and is free to the parents.

A popular method of treatment among children is Cognitive behavioral therapy. (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can be used with children. It has been widely studied and is an effective treatment for a number of conditions, such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety. A person in CBT learns to change distorted thinking patterns and unhealthy behavior. Children can receive CBT with or without their parents, as well as in a group setting.

Transition Planning is a method to develop certain life skills that is needed in the adult world. A child will go through transitional planning when they are about to transition into the adult world. Areas covered in Transition Planning include workplace skills, health and safety, and home living (helping to set the table, cleaning the house, or cooking

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