
Dulce Et Decorum Est: Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

Wilfred Owen, in Dulce et Decorum Est, exemplifies a meaningful poem with a complex and serious back story to it which is Owens own life itself.Wilfred Owen was born March 18, 1893, in Oswestry, on the Welsh border of Shropshire, and in his adolescence always admired and created poetry. Owen attended Shrewsbury Technical School and graduated in 1911 which proceeding this point Owen was not decided with what he wanted to do in life with his interest in poetry conflicting his father's insistence to seek a job that would earn him a stable income.In June 1916 he received a commission as lieutenant in the Manchester Regiment, and on 29 December 1916 he left for France with the Lancashire Fusiliers. Owen unfornfortunaly was killed in action 4 November …show more content…

One of these is the historical importance of the poem itself. Owen fought in the first world war and was killed in action unfortunately, but he was able to write poems and this particular one serves as a piece of Owen that can speak to the world since Owen phically could not after he was killed. One of the main themes was that we need to people cautious so that history does not repeat itself, and after WW1, WW2, and other devastating wars, it is vital to learn from previous historical mistakes and events to prevent this from happening. Having some military veterans, and some family members killed in action, I takes topics such as this one seriously has I can understand the immense toll war can take one someone as well as the meaning for their sacrifices. Also, the way in that Owens wrote this poem was important to me since he was able to exemplify some truth of war, although many who read have never experienced war including myself, and we will never truly understand unless we actually experience it, Owen wrote this poem as more of a conversation to readers which immediately sets his tone. And this takes me to the thought process of how he was feeling during the time he wrote this. I can't image what is was like to live in the trenches on top of being hunted down to be killed, but Owen offered some consensus for

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