
Canada's Dual Brand Strategy

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1. What are the conceptual underpinnings of a dual-brand strategy?
A dual brand strategy is the association of two or more already well recognized trademarks in a synergistic retail setting designed to benefit each, is one of the fastest growing areas in franchising. Numerous systems are learning that they’re significantly more effective in presenting their products and services to the public when they do so in association with another brand.
A company may use dual branding when they want to increase the market share, saturating the market by filling all price and quality gaps and catering to brand switchers users who like to experiment with different brands, a dual brand strategy also may be applied when two companies want to …show more content…

This competition was proven successful with the revenue for the first year, with a gain on sales of $30 million for Best Buy and $38 million for Future Shop.

3. How does the Best Buy situation in China differ from its situation in Canada?

The buying situation differs in Canada from china, by several reasons. Best Buy Company had an entry strategy for each country, but the environment in china didn’t was as they were expecting. The Chinese were not familiar to the concept of credit, as in United States and Canada, this fact made the paying system more complex than what they were expecting.
Also the consumer behavior in china was very different than in Canada. In china the saving rates per family were much higher than in Canada and Usa. Families were accustomed to save a considerable amount of money for other future issues rather than in electronic products as in Canada and Usa, which are higher consumer societies.
The situation for new entrants was very complex in china; acquisition of cities took much longer than in developed countries. Starting a new business in china was not a rapid process. Making relationships between channels was a slow process, because manufacturers, distributors, and other actors preferred to negotiate with people who they knew before, in china personal relationships are quite important in businesses. Some factors that influenced this process were

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