
Drug Abuse In Othello

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare is responsible for coining the word addiction. Does this make him responsible for everybody with an addiction? Shakespeare defined addiction as a devotion to a habit. Here's an example of how Shakespeare utilized the term addiction in Othello, Act II, Scene II "It is Othello's pleasure, our noble and valiant general, that, upon certain tidings now arrived, importing the mere perdition of the Turkish fleet, every man put himself into triumph; some to dance, some to make bonfires, each man to what sport and revels his addiction leads him." Through the years, there have been many habits that are considered to be addictive. Most commonly known habit is substance abuse. The reason people become addicted to substances …show more content…

According to the American Psychological Association, which states that about half of a person’s tendency toward drug addiction can be blamed on genetic factors. The genes might not make the person experiment with drugs, but when the person does begin to dabble, the use could quickly spin out of control due to these underlying genetic factors. The home in which a person grows up has a great deal of influence over drug use and abuse. A study in the Archives of General Psychiatry bears out this theory quite well, as researchers looked at drug and alcohol use in genetic twins who had been raised in different homes. Those who grew up in homes that were disrupted by divorce and mental illness, and those who grew up in homes where drugs and alcohol were at play, were more likely to become abusers when they grew up. It’s possible that living in homes like this causes such intense stress that using drugs seems like a reasonable solution, but it’s also possible that growing up in a home like this normalizes drug abuse. As the child grows and sees parents abusing substances, that child learns to also abuse substances. The effects of genetics and environment can often be hard to separate, and many statistics cited in the media fail to take this into account. Children of substance use parents are likely to inherit many of the genes that would make them predisposed to …show more content…

Just because a person has factors that contribute to drug abuse doesn’t mean that the person is doomed to abuse drugs. Many people who have these factors never choose to use drugs at all, and some people who choose to do so dabble only once, and they stop when the first experience is negative. Many people who have addictions, make a conscious choices to engage in their destructive behavior to deal with stress. Stress is the body's way of dealing with a demand. It involves the release of different chemicals in the body so that it is prepared to take action. Stress activates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. This is what sets forth the fight or flight reaction when there is a sense of danger. Self-medication is a situation where people turn to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to manage their problems in life. Depressants like alcohol produce a calming effect on the body, and so the individual will feel like they have escaped their difficulties. They may start to take these substances more and more as a way to manage their stress levels. This is dangerous because the self-medication can be far more damaging than the initial stressor itself. Using alcohol or drugs to deal with stress is at best a short-term solution. Substance abuse only masks the problem and doesn’t solve it. It will be almost impossible for the individual to learn better ways of managing stress while

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