
Drug Abuse In Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

Have you tried drugs? Because by trying drugs even once it puts a person in danger of a life full of constantly depending on the feeling that drugs seem to provide. In the Greek epic The Odyssey, Homer exemplifies the themes of drug abuse in upper classes and the luring capacities that drugs can have on vulnerable people. In the epic, Helen’s beauty sparked war that caused death and turmoil, and she was forced to cope with the guilt by abusing drugs. This relates to our modern day society where many young adults are drawn to the mind numbing effects of drugs and allow themselves to be taken away from their imminent pain and into a life of searching for a permanent high.
Those who are a part of the upper class who are able to attain their status …show more content…

These are all icons that seemed invincible but fell to drugs. Jerrold Winter, a doctor, states, "Don't call Prince an addict, call him a man in pain who needed help." Dr.Winter also states that “addiction has it’s roots in a lot of things — homelessness, joblessness, the a lack of love or hope in your life, adolescent thrill seeking and so forth.” In Helen’s case it was her guilt and loss of hope that Paris provided by taking her from Menelaus, but also the self loathing that comes from causing death over a talent. Helen’s beauty was supposed to be a gift that would help her find love and be the envy of others, but because it caused such destruction the root of her addiction comes from her …show more content…

Not only the rich can be tempted to abuse mind altering drugs, for those at the lowest part of society suffer and abuse substances. A statistic from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health explains that “ regular use by the unemployed was double that among those employed full time: 8.4% vs. 17%.” Drug abuse is not just limited to young adults, but being raised by a someone who is addicted to drugs can be just as detrimental to a person's health. Joseph Califano notes “70% of abused and neglected children have alcohol or drug abusing parents.” And because we do not want drug abuse to continue harming the lives around us all prevention should start with protecting children by providing a proper drug

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