
Dreams And Dreams

Decent Essays

Every single one of us dreams and each one is experienced at a personal level, but interpreting them and figuring what they actually mean is still a mystery to us all. The histories of dreams, dates all the way back to over 5,000 years ago. These were the times where they would still write things down on clay tablets. Even then, we were already interested in what dreams meant. During the Greek and Roman eras, dreams were perceived in a religious sense. If they were good dreams, they would be interpreted as a gift from God, while bad ones were from the demons. (Dream Moods, 2013) As stated by Cope (2015), Egyptians held such a high value on dreams that they had a temple that was devoted to dreaming. There were also dream interpreters that would decipher these dreams. If they had any psychological problems, then they would have the priests interpret them instead. The people that would interpret these dreams were highly respected. Cope also addressed that Ancient Greeks used dreams to predict the future and find solutions to problems. Around the 5th century, the concepts about dreams were starting to evolve. Many different philosophers were making up their own theories. The first philosopher was Heraclitus, and he believed that the dreams were coming from the dreamer’s mind entirely. Second, we have Plato saying that it could show a person how to live their life. Third was Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, and he concluded that the dreams could convey an

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