
Down Syndrome

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Having a Down syndrome is such a difficult situation for an individual to have. They have slow physical and mental capabilities that lead them to discrimination. Physical features of having a Down syndrome. Including flattening of the head; slanting of the eyelids; a gap between the first and the second toes; a depressed nasal bridge; relatively small ears, mouth, hands and feet; short stature; decreased muscle tone and loose ligaments among others. Not every child with Down syndrome has all of these characteristics and some may have only a few. But other characteristic, if not appropriately can be including hearing deficits, congenital disease, eye abnormalities, …show more content…

HISTORY English Physician John Langdon Down first characterized Down syndrome as a distinct form of Mental disability in 1862, and in more widely published report in 1866.[9] Due to his perception that children with Down syndrome shared physical facial similarities with those of Blumenbach is Mongolian race. Down used the term mongoloid derived from prevailing ethical theory.[10] By the 20th century Down syndrome had become the most recognizable form of mental disability. Most individuals with Down syndrome were institution zed, few of the associated medical problem were treated , and most died in infancy or early adult life. With the rise of the eugenics movement, 33 of the United States and several countries began programs of force sterilizations of individuals with Down syndrome and comparable degrees of disability. The ultimate expression of this type of public policy was ‘’action 7-4’’ in Nazi Germany , a program of systematic murder court challenges , scientific advances and public revulsion led to discontinuation or repeal of such sterilization programs during decades after World War Until the middle of 20th century, the causes of Down syndrome remained unknown. However, the presence in all races, the association with older maternal age, and he rarity of recurrence had been noticed. Standard medical text assumed it was caused by a combination of inheritable factor which had not been

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