
Down Syndrome Misconceptions

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1 out of 691 children born have Down Syndrome. Do you know what Down Syndrome is? Many have Down Syndrome, and it is one of the most common chromosomal conditions. Though to many, Down Syndrome is not something that they understand, and let’s be honest, it is hard to understand. There are many misconceptions about Down Syndrome simply because people are misinformed about it. When things are harder to comprehend, we just follow along with the norm. It is alright to not know something but you have to look into it before you judge people or things. We as a society need to figure out more about Down Syndrome. Although, Down Syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal conditions, many don’t understand the causes of it and they generalise all people with Down Syndrome.
Down syndrome was found by Dr. John Langdon Down in 1866, he found that a group of specific traits, such as upward slanted eyes, flattening of the back of the …show more content…

According to a recent Vanderbilt Kennedy Center study, families have a lower divorce rate, if they have someone with Down Syndrome (Down Syndrome Misconceptions vs. Reality). This was one of the largest study to date, it had 647 families participating in the study. This shows that they are happy, because if they weren’t they would have gone separate ways. Many believe having a child with a disability cause the siblings harm or slow them down. But according a to recent study published in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research found no long-term detrimental effects to siblings (Global Down Syndrome foundation). Studies have documented that those sibling are more empathetic,tolerant, and are aware of more. A multitude have jobs and live by themselves. Based on the severity of their Down Syndrome, they could have jobs at supermarkets and many more jobs, thus supporting themselves and being more

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