
Domestic Violence Reform

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Domestic violence refers to the “Pattern of abusive behaviour through which a person seeks to control and dominate another person” in the home (Domestic Violence Resource Centre 2013). Although it is most commonly assumed, domestic violence doesn't always entail physical abuse but can also include sexual, emotional, social, spiritual and economic abuse. Throughout the world domestic abuse, particularly toward women, is a prevalent issue, in Australia alone, one out of six women and one out of twenty men have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 (ABS 2013). Despite a number of legal and non-legal mechanisms in place to prevent and protect women of domestic violence and facilitate them after the fact, it can …show more content…

This was reflected in the most recent reform in which the main focus was raising awareness of domestic violence and fostering attitudes and behaviours in youth that will act as a preventive measure for the future; an example of this is the television advertisement campaign, He just did it because he likes you. Whilst the campaign is confronting, it effectively raises awareness of gender inequality and how it can result in domestic violence; in turn encouraging people to seek help. However, government funding for shelters, refuges and community legal services has been significantly reduced, with the intention of cutting funding by 30% over a period of three years from July 2017 (McCauley 2016) This means that a large majority of the women who escape abusive households will be turned away leaving little choice but to be homeless or return to the past situation. Rosslyn Monroe, the chairwoman of the National Association of Australia Community Legal Services, says in regard to the government's latest tactic, “The more we raise awareness of family violence, the more women reach out to services for help…[however] services are not sufficiently funded to keep up with current levels of demand let alone increased demand” (McCauley 2016). Due to this decrease in governmental funding, …show more content…

Phillips & A. Dunkley, Social Policy Sect, D. Muller, Politics Administration Sect, C. Lorimer, Law and Bills Digest Sect) viewed 7 September 2016,

Ireland, J 2016, ‘He Just did it ‘cause he likes you’: Government unveils confronting ad campaign to tackle domestic violence’ Sydney Morning Herald, 20 April, viewed 14 September 2016,

United Nations Women Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1986-1999, General Recommendations made by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, viewed 7 September 2016,

New South Wales Department of Health 2016 NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint for Reform 2016-2021: Safer Lives for
Women, Men and Children, New South Wales, viewed 7 September 2016,

Women’s Community Shelters Annual Review 2016, Supporting Homeless Women, Women’s Community Shelters, viewed 13 September

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