
Domain VII: Global And Multicultural Perspectives

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Metacognitive Paper Domain VII : Global and Multicultural Perspectives I. Domain Description Within a single classroom, a teacher can have students who are from multiple cultures. Even within the U.S. there are differences in ethnicity, socio-economic status, and we are all differently abled. The importance of teaching is far greater than showing a student how to divide x over or showing a student how to make a ceramic pot. Teaching is about showing students life lessons, like accepting the differences between their fellow classmates and others. A proper candidate will create an environment where every student can interact while accepting who they are (who they are as in what? Personality, background, culture, etc.) (8.0). Every individual is different from the next no matter how a person may try, God has made everyone beautifully unique (8.df) What makes the world go around is the differences one can bring to the table. A …show more content…

So, a proper candidate will understand the importance of relating to all of her students. Bringing this type of thinking within a classroom will help foster the existence of the students accepting one another for their differences (8.d5). A proper candidate will also be willing to change lesson plans to adapt to the different learning styles within her classroom. She will be intentional with her students to understand how each one learns (P.8). Like this a lot. Lastly, the importance of technology within the classroom is effected by how it is used outside of the classroom. So, a proper candidate will accept the technology around her and uses it to her advantage. Using it to help relate to her students and engage them in learning with that technology. Bringing a new experience for the students with the technology they are use too. The students can view technology different and as a useful tool

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