
Diversity In America

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Diversity is a very broad discussion today, it can range from race, gender, sexuality, political or religious views, or even mental disorders. In America, which is basically a melting pot of different cultures in itself seems to struggle with diversity in the one place it really shouldn’t, tv and movies. But how could the entertainment industry affect the way we view others? Simple, through representation. Representation is the act of showing off a particular group of people. Through this, the characters that belong to these groups, cultures or lifestyles act as representatives that show off how they interact with the world. This could be someones first time seeing how a person of a different race, sexuality, or religious/political views and however they are portrayed could become someone’s psychological alignment …show more content…

Diversity in media is overall a good thing in media, it's just that some studio heads don’t know how to do it right causing poor representation.

Tokenism and Relying on Stereotypes
In tv shows or any other forms of entertainment, adding diversity to a cast can go two different ways. On one hand, you’ve brought together a well-rounded cast of diverse characters who share different ethnic backgrounds, sexualities, genders, and religions who have a range of different personalities and opinions despite what the common depictions of them are. On the other hand, the show or product is advertised as being diverse when in actuality everyone is a walking stereotype of who they are trying to represent, this is called tokenism. Tokenism is the practice of making a symbolic effort to do a particular thing, such as recruiting a small number of underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of equality, this

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