
Diveasy Essay

Decent Essays

Diveasy in Paradise I am writing this blog on February 14th. Do you know why that is significant? If your guess involves Valentine’s Day, you answered wrong. The significance is that it is currently winter, and you could use a trip to a warm island paradise! Specifically, you could enjoy a dive to the beautiful coral reefs of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Of all the dive tours you could go on (both snorkel or scuba adventure), Diveasy will have the most variety of types of tours and will allow you to get the full diving experience you hope for.

Coral reef in paradise, Bora Bora.

No Skill-No Problem The instructors at Diveasy respect your diving skill, whether you are a professional or beginner. Diveasy has a selection of different trails to follow while diving, both for snorkeling and scuba diving. As a beginner, you may not want to spend as much time in the water, and Diveasy has a three hour tour. But perhaps you have a lot of experience with diving and want to go longer, you can also go on a four hour tour. There are also many different types of trails to …show more content…

Ingrained into the snorkel is a speaker which plays educational information about the reefs, as well as music. “The snorkel plays music (digital sound) and pre-recorded comments on the coral ecosystem,” (Diveasy Bora Bora – Description of ecosnorkeling). Snorkeling is a lot of fun. There are a lot of beautiful things to see underwater. I really like what Diveasy has done with their snorkel playing a voiceover about the reefs. This really differentiates them from other companies. I’ve been on quite a few snorkel tours myself, and never have I heard of something like this. I am sure this is also especially important to the locals. These reefs are part of their home, which we pay a lot of money to come freely enjoy. It is completely understandable that they would want us to become educated about their

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