
District Policy Strengths And Weaknesses

Decent Essays

The strengths in my district policy are that it covers our mission, the definitions, the complaint process, consequences, false reporting, retaliation, the investigation process, and preventative activities. The weaknesses of my district policy are that it is a combined policy for staff, students, and volunteers, it does not address community members and parents, and that it does not distinguish between bullying, and sexual harassment laws.

My district policy is strong in that it has a mission statement, and it promises commitment to a respectful, safe and civil environment on school property and school-sponsored events. Harassment of students, staff and volunteers is addressed as being against the law and intolerable, and it promises prompt …show more content…

Volunteer is defined, and the complaint process is outlined. It addresses electronic and face-to-face interactions and defines harassment and bullying as being based on the individual’s actual or perceived age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status. It is noted that alleged conduct may be treated as discriminatory harassment which is illegal, but it does not distinguish between the two laws that govern harassment. It needs to make a clear distinction about sexual harassment and state that under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can be sexual 1) harassment 2) violence 3) assault 4) battery, and 5) …show more content…

The investigation includes a written statement about the complaint, a written statement from the person complained about, a statement from any witnesses. Documentation will be reviewed and it will be determined whether it constitutes harassment. Finally, when the investigation is complete, the findings will be issued in a report. If a student has, in fact harassed, they may be suspended or expelled. If an employee is in violation of the policy, they will be disciplined and possible terminated. If a volunteer is in violation, the may be excluded from school

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