
Disadvantages Of Self-Publishing

Decent Essays

Like in traditional publishing, even self-publishing has its share of demerits of which some are listed below:

1) Printed self-publishing is still very expensive. Print self-publishers charge a heavy amount to publish books. You may need to spend at least $2500 to get your book in the print form
2) Self-publishing involves investment of time, money and effort. The time that you invest in it may eventually decide the success or otherwise of the publication
3) You will need to spend money for advertising, marketing and promotion of the book. If you overshoot your budget, you may end in incurring heavy losses
4) Self-publishing fails to earn similar recognition and respect that you get when you publish your book with a traditional author. Almost no libraries, bookshops and stores are ready to sell a self-published, printed book. Unfortunately, commentators and reviewers may not even consider your book as “really published.”
5) Self-publishing is an individual effort. You are the sole owner of your effort and you may not expect help and assistance from others, unless you choose a publisher who publishes books in print form.
Ways to self-publish – Publishing without hassles
You can use three different ways of self-publishing in today’s market:

Self-publish on your own: Here, you are the sole traveler in the quest for publishing excellence and you will take the complete responsibility for your actions. In other words, you cannot blame anyone else but you when something goes

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