
Disadvantages Of Marjoram

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Marjoram (Origanum Majorana) is an aromatic herb in the mint family. It grows wild in Mediterranean countries such as Cyprus, Turkey and Greece and is a popular additive to their cuisine (used in sauces, soups and meat dishes).
Sweet or knotted marjoram is considered to be a perennial herb but it does not survive cold temperatures, so must be sown every year. It prefers full exposure to the sun and is best planted in well drained soil where it has room to spread. In common with other aromatic herbs, such as Fennel, Basil, Dill, etc., it is not subject to the attack of birds as many other seeds are.
Marjoram has a slightly minty, citrusy taste and it can be used as fresh or dried leaves to season foods. It is included in popular English …show more content…

It is often used as powder or essential oil and in body care products such as soaps, lotions and shaving gel. It has ability to reduce stress, relieve flatulence, nausea, cramps and swelling.
All varieties of marjoram are actually oreganos, but not all oreganos are marjorams. Marjoram is oregano’s calmer, sweeter fraternal twin. The two are often used interchangeably but there are big …show more content…

It is also believed that if marjoram grows on a grave, it’s a sign that the departed soul has found happiness. Throughout the middle ages it was worn by bridal couples to signify love, honour and happiness. In Germany bunches of the wild herb was hung over the door to protect against any spells that might have been cast by passing witches.
It is said that a man named Amarakos in service to the king, broke a bottle of precious perfume. He fell down into a swoon and the Gods changed him into Marjoram.
Marjoram is bound to Mercury and air. A mixture of marjoram and violets is to protect the family from colds and flu. Tea made from the leaves or flowers would bring love, health, money, sleep and psychic enhancement.
Burning it over a burner, helps in accepting life changes. It is anti sorcery spells. It’s been carrying in sachets to protect against evil. Adding to food and share with the object of affection would strengthen the

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