
Disability Of War

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Brave Hearts Do Not Back Down Many soldiers walk away from war with psychological disorders such as shell shock and post traumatic stress, while others with mild to critical injuries or life taking situations. Soldiers who have fought in a war and make it out alive usually come back home and experience psychological disorders that can cause them to have hallucinations and cause them to react strongly to anything that reminds them of being in the war. On the other hand, some soldiers face human casualties that can change their lives forever anywhere from facing a disability that can put them out of the work force to not making it home alive. War can be a deeply scarring experience that can cause psychological disorders and brutal trauma …show more content…

Yeats is about a man who is contemplating on joining the air force in spite of living a normal boring life. This poem shows how a soldier weighed his pros and cons in joining the military and made the decision to participate in what he thought of as a meaningless conflict where he stated that "those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love"(Yeats 3-4). The man in this poem knew that he was bound to die in the air force but stated that he would rather die a hero than to live his normal life and be a "waste of breath". Yeats wrote this poem foreshadowing Major Robert Gregory's life as he went through the decision to become a member of the air force and later died at war. Given these points, one can see how W.B. Yeats wrote his poem to show that not all soldiers have the same psychology view that some fight in the war for their country and others risk their lives to become something …show more content…

All three writer's used imagery to get their point across about the tragic things that happen in war and how it is hard to escape trauma. From birth imagery to strong emotional imagery all three poems allowed their readers to be able to experience the harsh horrors of war with no sugar coating on what really happens on the battlefield. All three of the authors witnessed such tragic things that happen in war and unlike the government news stories during that time they want to make sure that the image that they saw was expressed through their poems to be a symbol to their readers that war is not a good

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