
Developing An Implementation Plan For Nursing Shortage

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Developing an Implementation Plan
Nursing shortage is a global problem facing all health care system and the impact on nursing professional and patient care outcomes cannot be over emphasized. Despite all effort made by the ANA and health care institutions to address the issue of nursing shortage there seems to be no change and the problem still exist hence there is every need to implement a new plan to address the problem of nursing shortage (ANA, 2014). The project plan is aimed at introducing a policy plan that will help in eradicating nursing shortage. This paper will focused on nursing shortage’s impact on nurses, patients and nursing profession, and a proposed project that will focus on eradicating the problem of nursing shortage through the use of mentoring program for high schools and colleges student.
Nursing Shortages/Proposed Plan
Nursing shortage has been a global problem that need to be eradicated in order to promote patient care and improve care outcomes. Nursing shortage in America has caused a lot of negative impact on the nurses, patients and nursing profession. It has caused a lot of dissatisfaction on the part of the nurses and the patients (Nardi & Gyurko, 2013). Nurses are prone to injuries, stress and burn-out as a result of nursing shortages. They engaged in working long hours to compensate their coworkers and ensure completion of assigned jobs. They end up breaking down emotionally, physically and psychologically due to poor work-environment and

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