
Desdemona's Loss Of Innocence In Othello

Decent Essays

“Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.”(Oscar Wilde) William Shakespeare’s book Othello; Act 1 highlights the life of an African General, Othello, in the Venetian Army, whose intelligence and experience are needed to protect the island of Cyprus. The Venetians value Cyprus greatly for its wealth and resources that the Dukes will do absolutely anything to satisfy the wants of Othello. Iago, a very resourceful and intelligent man along with Rodrigo, a lover of Desdemona is responsible for creating disturbances and accusations to take revenge for Othello’s actions towards them. When accused of witchcraft, and stealing Desdemona, Othello was saved because of the Venetian council’s need for him to protect the land of Cyprus. …show more content…

When Brabantio warns Othello about the possibility of Desdemona deceiving him in the future, Othello responded with “My life upon her faith! Honest Iago, My Desdemona must I leave to thee:” (1.3.295-296) Othello’s vulnerability is highlighted here when he disregarded Brabantio’s warning claiming that he trusts her with his life and he ignores all possibilities that she will never deceive him like her father. Another great example of Othello’s vulnerability occurs when he assigns Desdemona to Iago; as shown through Othello choice of words “So please your grace, my ancient; A man he is of honest and trust: To his conveyance I assign my wife,” Othello is too trusting of Iago that it makes him too vulnerable to be taken advantage of. He used the words honest to show his belief of Iago’s character which also makes him naïve because he doesn’t realize that Iago is …show more content…

Othello’s actions in response to Brabantio’s assault make him vulnerable to be manipulated as shown through this response “Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. Good signior, you shall more command with years Than with your weapons.”(1.2.82-84) Othello was easily manipulated by Iago into thinking that Iago was on his side where in fact he deceived Othello by siding with him when Brabantio tried to attack him. Another great example of his vulnerable and naïve character is shown through his response for Brabantio’s accusation “I do beseech you, Send for the lady to the Sagittary, And let her speak of me before her father” (1.3.114-116) He is too trustworthy that Desdemona will vouch for him that it makes him naïve. It also makes him vulnerable because she can just as easily testify against him and that would destroy his reputation as well as his

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