
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing

Decent Essays

It was raining. I slowly strolled through the dark, dingy streets on my own. My clothes clung to my skin as the water soaked completely through leaving my limbs numb. Every so often a drop of rain would trickle down the back on my neck making my whole body tremble. The streets were completely deserted. It felt like I had been walking for ages, the cold had completely taken over my body to the point where I could not remember at time when I was warm. I had been walking around for hours, gathering my thoughts. I liked being alone. I liked the rain. The rhythmic sound of the rain bouncing off the pavement relaxed my body and allowed me to connect with myself. I spotted at a park across the road. I walked over, sat on the bench and tensed my …show more content…

On rare moments when I was alone like this though, there was no escaping my enemy.
My brain continued to dart from thought to thought, reliving every life event. I sat for what seemed like hours having the argument I wished I had with my mum last week over what shoes I got for school - in real life she had won, but in the argument which just occurred in my head, I was so brilliant she was left speechless. After my head was finishing reliving the past, it turned to the present and the little unanswerable questions came. First, there was the usual: the questions about my awkward personality - why are you so quiet? I mean, it 's not like people will laugh if you speak, they will probably appreciate it. Then, came the flood of what ifs: what if you had stuck to gymnastics? How different do you think your life would be? My brain continued on this pathway of meaningless questions which obviously had no real answer and just when I thought it was done and we were about to move onto the thoughts of the future, it stumbled on to a question which stuck in my head. A question that I couldn 't shake. Are you happy? And, from that question came a hundred others: what is happiness? How do you achieve true happiness? Is happiness real?
I racked my brain for a while before coming to the conclusion that I was not happy. Now, that is not to say that I am unhappy either. I decided that happiness could be achieved when you feel fulfilled and content with every aspect your life

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