
Describe The Relationship Between Annabeth And Mary

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It was the year 1863, a very profiting time in U.S. Saw mills, cotton presses, potato diggers and many other new inventions were being created. Slavery was also very popular at the time. Annabeth and Mary were two sisters that lived up in the beautiful Virginia plains with their father and stepmother where the grass was always green, plants always thriving, and the birds always chirping. It was “picture perfect” as some would say. But little did Annabeth and Mary know, everything was about to change in their tiny world. “I bet that when papa comes back, he’ll have a new toy for me!!” Annabeth exclaimed hopefully. Annabeth was the kind of girl that everyone wanted to be. She had curly blonde hair, tons of friends, and had every toy that she had ever dreamed of having. …show more content…

Mary was more of the quiet type. She loved to read, play the flute, and write poetry. She was usually quite shy and rarely spoke in her class at school. “Well, that does not matter. Even if we don’t get anything, at least papa will be home and we won’t have to only listen to Ingrid.” “Annabeth, you can call her mother, it’s more respectful. You’re going to have to get used to it, she’s not planning on leaving anytime soon.”, Mary explained. “Yes, but she’s our STEPMOTHER! She treats us like dirt and expects us to do everything for her!!”, whined Annabeth. Mary and Annabeth were the type of sisters that agreed upon most things. But if it included their stepmother Ingrid, Annabeth wouldn’t have it. Their father, William married Ingrid after Mary and Annabeth’s mother died four years ago. They never really adjusted to the change. This is why Annabeth and Mary tried to be around her as little as possible. Their father went away on trips to the city often and always brought back a treat for the girls. He was suppose to come home today. Annabeth looked out the window in their perfectly pink

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