
Describe My Favorite Place

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1. There’s a gas station which is very popular and busy, but at night it’s very slow, barely anyone goes to the gas station. One night it was a few of my friends and I that went to this specific gas station for sodas and snacks. By the way, no one was at the gas station, no one purchasing anything inside or anyone at the pumps getting gas for their vehicles. It was an empty gas station, my friends and I, and the store employee were the only ones there. Once we were done purchasing our things we were walking back to our car we heard noises almost like a subtle laughter, so us white people investigated the surroundings. There was an alleyway in the back of the gas station that was very sketchy. We walked down the alley until we reached a high fence that was locked. My friend broke the lock, and we went into this sort of woody area, some like the woods. I didn’t go in, but two of my friends did, and I heard the laughter, and then it went dead silent. The gas station was very sketchy, and I heard the very creepy laugh, so my friends and I left immediately. 2 . A happy place is my house, it’s a pleasant place, but it’s also one of my favorite places. It has everything I need and want; it’s also delightful to be in my house, I enjoy It a lot. It is freezing and relaxing. I am barely there, but I would like to there more often. I have my bed, laptop, tv, computer, Xbox and my phone. I have everything there, and I quite honestly enjoy being there very much. I watch a lot of

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