
Describe My Favorite Place

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A long driveway with potholes leads you there. It was always my favorite thing about it. The car shakes and wobbles with every hole. The make shift parking pad of the house was just part of the grass that slowly died due to the lack of sun. When I was a child, pulling up to that Garnet home brought this bubble of joy into my throat. A small home with a screened in porch and large yard. That home is a place I would go back to if I could because it holds far more happy memories than any other place.
Fond is just one word I could use. Every first of my childhood happened in that house. Every Holiday I can remember was there. Easter was always my favorite time. All 12 of my grandmother’s grandchildren lined up in the hall that had no windows so we couldn’t peak. We stood there in anticipation as they hid the eggs standing from youngest to oldest waiting. The anticipation would cause us to shake and giggle. We knew who ever found the gold egg got the big chocolate bunny on the counter. They began by counting down from five and the youngest got the head start, which included myself. We would take off and search over an acre of land for 72 eggs we had decorated the night before. I think in the 8 years we had easter at her house, I never found that golden egg. The possibility of finding the egg kept me going. The holidays that we had at that home held our family together.
My family was together in the home because the two of the strongest people I have ever known lived there. My

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