
Democracy And Democracy

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The relationship between economic growth and democracy has long been discussed and dissected ever since the beginning of the French Revolution and the democratization of Europe through the 18th and 20th centuries with various revolutions occurring, mostly in revolt to the overt dominance of the upper classes. Yet, no concrete answer has been defined on whether democracy directly increases economic growth, or that any non-democratic systems are strictly better at growing an economy. In this paper, there will be an examination of how despite no concrete definite answers about the correlation between democratic regimes and economic prosperity/growth exist, democracy still heavily encourages and enables for a maximized economic growth compared to totalitarian or monarchical regimes, through some main principles that define a democratic regime: Rule of law, legitimate authority, quality of governance, and participation of citizens, by means of humane work conditions, equal participation among classes, governance motivating the workforce, and less effort and money expunged towards legitimacy. Economic growth shouldn’t necessarily come before democracy as democracy facilitates and potentially maximizes economic growth.

Participation and Opportunity
One of the qualifiers for democracy, active participation of citizens in political and civic life (United Nations[UN], 2005), is necessary for a prosperous marketplace for all industries which have production in control of

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