
Essay on Dementia: Reminiscence Therapy and Montessori Method

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This essay is a comparative research study into the effectiveness and relevance of two interventions for people with dementia; Reminiscence Therapy and Montessori Method. The two methods will be analysed for their relevance and effectiveness, as well as comparing to discover their differences and similarities, with consideration to the supporting underlying psychology. In many ways the theories of Reminiscence and Montessori are about effecting the past into the here and now, which in essence is very existential in nature. Corey (2009, pp. 139-150) explains the concepts underpinning existentialism as our questioning of who am I, where am I going, what is life’s meaning, what should I be doing, and contemplating hopes and dreams. These …show more content…

As Brooker (2007, pp. 24-26) discusses the benefits of supportive models that recognise the struggles of a person living with dementia and how it can impact their social standing and therefore relationships. In addition how the world of a person with cognitive impairment needs emotional and spiritual support, as well as sensory and creative support, to be encouraged and empowered to remain positively functioning and enjoying their relationships and their environments. With these complex concepts and needs in mind, the first theory for consideration is that of the Montessori Method (MM) as discussed by Camp (2010, pp.1-11) was first created by Montessori to work with children with learning disabilities. Camp further discusses how through his life’s journeys he began to apply MM to help people with dementia. Camp argued that the MM aligns well the principles of excellence in dementia care. Including supporting respect for the individual, via the provision of activities that are designed to give ordered structure, and empowered learning aimed at encouraging success. Through activities that are accessing motor learning and movement, designed with consideration towards culturally relevant and age respected learning with strong peer alignment. In addition, Camp suggests that the MM can work towards reducing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), by the use of structure

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