
Definition Of Professionalism And Professionalism

Decent Essays

Chanda Hutton Baker College-Flint

My definition of professionalism is a person that carries themselves in a respectful manner. The professional is educated, has a clean appearance, well spoken, and treats others with respect and integrity. When a person is not professional it reflects poorly on the company. I have experienced unprofessional behavior quite often. I have seen nurses, and other medical professionals, act unprofessional. I will share a story of a very unprofessional situation. This situation put me in a position where I had to make a moral and legal decision and take the appropriate action. Two nurse aids were bathing a man that was in a coma. He had a penal implant from having prostate cancer. The implant was a pump. While bathing him the girls pumped his penis up, took pictures and sent the pictures to my phone along with derogatory remarks. The girls thought this was funny. I did not. I thought it was extremely unprofessional, and degrading to that patient. The girls were my friends, so the decision I had to make was not easy. I went to my nurse manager and took the appropriate action and steps. The girls did lose their jobs. I did feel bad for them, but I felt worse for that man. I had to do what was right.
Importance of Professional Behavior Professional behavior is important in the nursing profession because of the long road it took for nurses to be recognized as a profession and

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