
Definition Of Civil Law

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Every profession, including the legal field; has its own language or specific terms define procedures, actions and outcomes. Therefore, in order to gain understanding it is highly recommended that the pro se' litigant become familiar with these terms. Although, other resources about legal terms are provided in this teaching; the focus is on civil cases. Therefore, review all the resources included, but we recommend that the student focus on the terms listed on this page. After-Acquired Evidence: Is a tactic that former employers and their lawyers use to try and avoid paying the Plaintiff back wages that they owe. The employer will search in employee's past work history to try and find issues of negative conduct or a negative reason …show more content…

Attorney-client privilege: A legal privilege that works to keep communications and work-product documents prepared for litigation secret between an attorney and his or her client. The Attorneys can’t claim work product and attorney-client privilege protection for documents prepared in the ordinary course of business by the company or employer. (Ex: company records, employee records, and files) Diversified Industries, Inc. v. Meredith, 572 F.2d 596, 604 (8th Cir. 1977). An attorney-client privilege only protects the conversation between her and the client and the work he produced for the trial; not documents prepared by the employer or company in the ordinary course of business. See work-product doctrine Argument: To reason, rebut or to prove a point or with written or verbal proof. Attestation: Signing a legal document as a witness, affirming that the information is given or stated is true. Bad Faith: To enter into any transaction with the intent to deceive or mislead to gain the advantage or win. Bifurcation: The division of a trial into two phases; liability and a penalty phase. Black Letter Law: Also known as Black's Law is established, well-known principles of laws that are not doubted or disputed. Bona fide: In good faith without known defects. Brief: Is a compilation of documents stating the facts of a case in chronological order along with relevant

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