
Definition Essay: What It Means To Be A Hero

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Everyone has different opinions on what it means to be a hero and what it takes. The literal definition of a hero is “a person who is greatly admired” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), and some people may agree with that. Others think that it takes more or different qualities to be a hero. Among these qualities are bravery, kindness, selflessness, determination, hope, and confidence. Those are just a few among many more traits. Qualities like those are found in many people, from the heroes written about in fiction, to the people who live in towns across the world. By saying this, it’s true that everyday people can be heroes, given the right time and place. Some examples of great heroes in history that possess the previously mentioned …show more content…

Albeit they are known usually as a whole, each individual of these groups is vital. They are firemen, policemen, paramedics, and many others. These people risk their lives to protect and serve the population, and usually get little recognition for it. If there’s ever been a need for an example of an everyday hero, these groups should be the automatic response. Examples of times when brave men and women did their job and were greatly recognized for it, are usually awful events, like major natural disasters and terrorist attacks. These people do what they believe is right, no matter what the cost is, whether it be their physical and mental health, or even their life. Along with these men and women, even a normal passerby can be a hero, given the right time and place. Examples include Nathaniel Dancy Jr. and Maureen Renaghan. Nathaniel Dancy, at just age five, used his newfound alphabet knowledge to spell out the furniture store sign, helping his mother and grandmother figure out where he and his father were when his father suffered a stroke. His bravery at such a young age saved his father’s life ( Like this young hero, Maureen Renaghan saved the life of Little League baseball player Ian McGreevy when a ball stuck his chest and sent him into cardiac arrest. She performed CPR until his heart started to beat again, effectively saving this

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